While being a 보도 구인구직 sports writer might not be your first or most obvious choice of sports management careers, having an advanced degree and love of writing about sports can make it a profitable choice. To pursue a career in this field, you may want to consider degrees in Sport Coaching, Sport Management, and Sport Science.
Careers with an emphasis on sports management draw professionals from various disciplines, all excited by the opportunity to work in the worlds of professional, collegiate, or recreational sports. Other sports-related careers include sports trainer, coach, sports announcer, writer, broadcaster, equipment manager, marketing and advertising positions, facilities management, and more. People who are directly involved with the day-to-day operations of a professional or amateur sports team include coaches, managers, owners, athletic trainers, equipment managers, and so on.
Sports agents work directly with athletes, managing contracts, negotiations, and trades on their behalf. A sports agent determines the athletes talents and helps athletes negotiate deals with teams and sponsors. For those who wish to have direct access to athletes on a professional level, a sports agent might be a good fit.
In the sports industry, Public Relations professionals help advance the interests of teams, athletes, and organizations. Sports marketing professionals are focused both on creating the hype surrounding the franchises or organizations that they work for, as well as managing sponsorships that can impact the teams brand. In the sports industry, a marketing manager typically works on branding, managing a teams or organizations image, increasing fan interest and engagement, event coordination, and improving revenue streams.
A sports photographer takes pictures of sporting events, teams, or athletes; you may either work for a specific team, or you may be a freelance photographer, offering your photos to magazines and newspapers.
Most important, sports journalists feature breaking news on sports teams, sporting events, athletes, coaches, and fans, in an informative and entertaining way. The athletic director oversees the operations of the entire athletic department, responsible for making sure games and events are scheduled, facilities are updated, and players and coaches are following NCAA guidelines. The athletic director can manage the scheduling for sports teams and for a schools sports facilities, and can manage ordering of equipment and supplies for the sports teams.
Sure, you might see athletes here and there, but mostly you are dealing with coaches and staff members in the sports department. You will need to manage a staff of assistant coaches, team managers, and athletes, as well as build connections to the sports department and the athletic trainers.
Sometimes, some of the more popular jobs in sports are combined with the position of sports trainer, meaning that you will lead a portion of activities yourself. As the Director, you can expect to hire coaches and staff, manage revenues and expenses, oversee marketing for an athletic program, schedule games, and make sure that your entire sports program is operating safely.
Tasks may include finding and applying for funding sources, keeping tabs on budgets, managing sports coaches and volunteers, and scheduling, organizing, and promoting an initiative, such as via social media. In careers that include sports, you will find career opportunities in fields including sports management, marketing, journalism, coaching, product development, sports gaming, and sports law.
Whether you are an athlete or simply a sports enthusiast, a sports-related career can be a perfect fit. If the buzz of Friday nights basketball games, planning large parties and events, or coaching younger athletes appeal to you, sports management might be a path to pursue. Whether you are an elite athlete looking for the next step up your professional journey, or a hobbyist who simply loves all things sports, working a sport-related position could be very fulfilling for you.
When looking for jobs as someone who loves sports, seek out positions that will let you get out there, teach others about sports, cover sports, and/or provide healthcare and wellness services for athletes. If you are someone who is an avid exerciser and/or outdoors person, you can use your sports management degree to land a job at a local sports or fitness facility (i.e., your local gym).
Working as an intern gives individuals the opportunity to gain hands-on experience, learning valuable insight into the specific field, be it managing the facility, reporting on sports news, or providing medical treatment for athletes. Many times, interns are hired into a full-time sports career, but any professional or college-level sports organization will also have their share of entry-level positions that are open to outside candidates.
Like coaching, umpiring is a lot easier to get involved with at the youth sports level and move on in the higher-level sports at a school. For instance, you can be a paid sports referee in recreational sports leagues for kids, high school sports events, and even all the way to college and professional sports. Coaching careers are available at all ages and levels, including youth sports, school sports, private clubs, collegiate teams, national championships, and professional sports.
For instance, if youare the team physician on a college or professional sports team, youall be learning much more than someone working with high school athletes or weekend athletes. As a sports medicine physician, youall be spending time helping out, and able to speak to an entire host of professional athletes.
Similar to the role above, sports psychologists get to spend their time around and actively supporting pro athletes. Considering a large portion of the firms equity can come from athletes salaries and endorsement deals, sports finance analysts can also be called on to review pending contract terms and make sure they are aligned with the organizations best interests. For instance, Financial professionals in sports should use their knowledge of concepts such as sports valuations when negotiating contracts with players and vendors.
Those with an interest in business principles will be well-suited for a front office role with a professional sports team, or the athletics department at a college or university. Since being an announcer for sports requires extensive knowledge about the game, we frequently see retired athletes and coaches taking on this role.